Monday, November 30, 2009


So...  am I crazy to restart this weight loss thing in the midst of the holiday season?  Hmm...  I think I am a little crazy - but hopeful that the motivation I feel right now to get this weight off, will guide me through the holidays.  Report cards are finally done - handed in to be checked out by my principal.  Now I really don't have any reason to not succeed!  

I've been hungry ALL DAY!!!  Crazy hungry...  think I need more protein in the morning to get me through the day.  I did it though.  I stayed on program.   Just finished dinner and am trying to talk myself into hitting up Zumba at 6:30.  I will do this!  To quote a reader of Angie's blog...  Discipline Before Desire!  That's my new motto for this journey I'm on :)